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TempSure Envi is a gentle radio frequency skin treatment designed for minimizing the appearance of forehead lines, crow’s feet, droopy eyelids, fine lines and wrinkles.
This safe, non-invasive procedure has also shown to be effective in reducing both the signs and symptoms of dry eye.
The leading cause of dry eye discomfort is due to meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD), which is the clogging of oil in the meibomian glands that lie within the eyelids. With the glands blocked, they lose the ability to produce the rich oil layer of our tear film. When the tear film is imbalanced, it can cause the eyes to feel dry, gritty and irritated.
Using radio frequency energy we are able to target and safely apply heat to these delicate areas, which in turn liquefies the oil and expresses it from the glands. This process simultaneously heats the deep subdermal layer of skin triggering the body’s natural healing response to produce more collagen and improve elasticity.
During treatment you will experience a gentle warming sensation around the eye area and along the eyelid margins. The sensation is similar to a hot stone massage. The entire visit should take around 45 to 60 minutes. Immediately following treatment slight redness and vision blurring may occur but it will quickly subside. There are no side effects nor downtime, and you will be able to return to your daily activities.
TempSure Envi is suitable for most skin types and is great for patients looking for a non-invasive approach to improving skin texture while treating their dry eye.
For optimal results, we recommend starting off with a series of treatments followed by regular maintenance treatments to coincide with the loss of collagen that happens due to the body’s natural aging process.
Patients will notice their skin feeling more plump instantly! Collagen will continue to rebuild over days, weeks and even months following treatment, thus improving the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles over time.